The founders
of the Academy
Vladimir Kuznetsov
What is Reiki? School Description Reiki. About Reiki Master Vladimir Kuznetsov
Reiki Learning System (or Reiki from Japanese: Rei is spirit, soul, Ki is energy, mind), as one of the varieties of energy healing, considers all human diseases in terms of life energy, its shortage or excess in the relevant organs and systems of our physical body. When detecting distortion of human energy shell, Reiki Master enriches through its hands the zone with energy of life «Ki», which is synthesized from surrounding space (outer space), i.e. creates, as it’s claimed, a channel of «pure» Reiki energy (Reiki), which feeds off the damaged organs and systems of the patient, restoring all the distortions in its energy shell. Thus, Reiki healing is performed. As a rule, this results in a rapid health recovery and normalization of all body functions.
Advantages of Rejki
In contrast to conventional energy healing, where the healer usually works with its own energy (including the Kundalini energy), Reiki Specialists and Masters use «pure» (in theory) space energy that is easily absorbed by human, it is just because it is «pure», i.e. not coloured and not polarized by Reiki healer itself.
About Reiki Master
Vladimir Petrovich Kuznetsov graduated from The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Psychology department. Founder and Dr. of The Academy of Vito-mathematics, numerologist, psychoanalyst.
He has got more than 10 years of practice in the field of psychology, using techniques of psychoanalysis and vito-mathematics (vito-mathematics — Numerology, arythmomancy, cosmography, art therapy, music therapy). Holds the third level of Reiki and is Reiki Master.
There are many well-known personalities from the areas of business, sports and show business among his clients.
Our Reiki training program consists of two stages, it is possible to pass the third stage on request.
The first stage of Reiki
Training duration: 3.5 hours. (a group of 4-5 persons)
Training duration: 2 hours (individual session)
Program Description
Theoretical part of Reiki basic principles, dive into meditation, opening cakras, entering Reiki energy using the cakra of «the mind’s eye», tactile work with the body.
After the first stage you will be able to work mainly on the physical level, namely, to have everyday practice of energy alignment — self-treatment on the level of your energy field; that will give you the opportunity to eliminate energy blocks in your body on your own. You will develop the intuition which is the result of opening «the mind’s eye» cakra.
In addition, you will be able to fill your body with pure healing energy of Reiki.
After passing the first stage, Reiki Master teaches you to work with the character Cho Ku Rei.
The second stage of Reiki
Training duration: 3.5 hours. (a group of 4-5 persons)
Training duration: 2 hours (individual session)
Program Description
Consolidation of the covered material, initiation and training to work with signs (symbols).
Rules of work with symbols. Initiation into the characters of the 2nd stage Reiki. The rite of initiation.
As a result of passing the second stage, you will be able to:
— hold contact healing and health-promoting Reiki sessions not only for yourself, but also for all those who will need it;
— hold distance sessions of healing and health-improvement, acting at a distance, directly upon the physical body of the man, and upon all his subtle bodies;
— conduct sessions to neutralize negative energy and manifestations of it, energoinformational structures, with their neutralization in the human energy field;
— remove physical, psychological and energy dependency of any kind without affecting the human psyche and without penetrating its psycho-emotional sphere;
— on condition of sufficient practice on the second stage, to work while asleep through lucid dreaming, greatly increasing the effectiveness of the work with the energy of Reiki;
— develop the ability of clairvoyance with appropriate training and preparation.
After passing the degrees of initiation Reiki Master would offer you (if individually requested) making personal Mandalas and will write individual music for you.
Also, you can order bracelet, pendant, ring with Reiki symbols and the digits your personal life code misses.